Feature Friday: The Deng Family & Coral

Today’s “Feature Friday” comes to us from Shelsea and Coral!

Coral was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes on Friday, March 11, 2016 at nearly 16 months of age. Her mom Shelsea has a wonderful diabetic blog which she says is an “honest and practical guide to managing her toddlers T1D.” If you have a young child with diabetes or know someone that does- you should definitely go check it out! 

She was in Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA), a severe and life-threatening diabetes complication where the body has built up high levels of acidic ketones due to the lack of insulin. Coral’s full diagnosis story can be read on the T1D Life blog. (It is emotional and I suggest you grab some tissues!)

The meaning of thrive:

I often say, “strive to thrive!” Make realistic goals and crush them! Life was never easy for me before I met my husband. When Coral was diagnosed with T1d, I was very angry – all I wanted was a simple life for my first born child. She has become fierce, smart, and beautiful.

How this family thrives with diabetes:

Having a realistic approach to managing this chronic life-threatening autoimmune disease.

In the beginning, I wish I knew:

Log all carbs, boluses, and pre-bolus before eating carbs. All carbs affect each T1ds glucose levels differently.

Words of encouragement:

T1d never gets easier. We just get better at managing it.

Initial thoughts:

“Why my child??!! Was it because I couldn’t breastfeed longer than three months (due to mastitis)? F*ck T1d!”

Diabetic tip/trick!

Similar to the 6th question below. Also, *we* give Coral 2oz of protein shake or Lactaid milk or a small piece of milk chocolate before bed if she has .25 – 0.50U IOB to keep her bgs a bit more steady overnight. Learn how to adjust basals on pump and as much as you can quickly. We read a lot of books and medical journals right after Coral was diagnosed. All listed on the Quick Referrals page of my blog.

♡ Shelsea


PS: If you love this family, check out what family we featured last week 🙂

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